Great stories are told when authors are being persecuted or when they are flat broke, I prefer to write the next great classic broke. The same can really be said about fashion it thrives under limit and sometimes it's important to not buy every trend out there, just see which trends are important to your style and your wallet. Typically people don't believe it's possible to be broke and stylish, that's why it's so easy to use our money or lack there of to describe our style, example, "my style is broke college student." I get it sweatpants are cheaper plus college kids can't afford the finer things so why bother? Believe me when I tell you to look under your sleeve, there are more tricks up there than you would think.
The first thing everyone should do is to actually budget out their money. Peanuts made working minimum wage should magically cover everything from tuition to rent and all the easy mac you can eat. If there is some cushion with the finances it pays to be smart with it and for a lot of kids smart doesn't actually equal more clothes. I honestly believe that one of the reasons people go broke buying clothes is because some people don't necessarily know their personal style which means they just mimic what they see other people wearing. A perfect example is with the brown riding boots and scarves I see on every girl on campus, and it seems so many boys wear tank tops and snapbacks. Don't go blowing your money trying to keep up the Joneses just be your own Jones.
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Don't blow your peanuts trying to mimic the cast of Gossip Girl rather draw inspiration on the style not the budget.
Before you spend money on clothes, don't. Something I've found shamelessly people watching on campus are all the cool clothes on different people. When I do happen to make their acquaintance and befriend these people I may suggest that if they find themselves willing to part with any of the clothing in their closet I would happily take them off their hands. Even with people who didn't seem to be my size or my style it's really important to keep an open mind. I'm not a hippie but I do love long skirts in crazy patterns, and long flowing blouses. My style isn't exactly in the rockstar spectrum but leather skirts and vintage t-shirts are welcome in my closet. One way to sift through someone's closet is to find one person you know, just mention it once or twice but don't be pushy or desperate it's not becoming. Get prepared to do a little leg work like going to their apartment, or having to take all the clothes regardless if you like them or not. If you're friend says all or nothing like mine have, just take them all sort your taste and donate the rest to your local thrift shop. Never feel obligated to take all the pieces just to be nice but rather offer to take the rest they don't need and donate them. Somewhere out there someone needs a good cat sweater.
Swapping doesn't mean restricting yourself to girls there is the opposite sex to consider. Some boys have cool clothes and some boys happen to be close to our size. I've gotten cool stuff from my brother, like sweaters and button down shirts. Girls have always had a draw to the masculine wear in the form of boyfriend jeans, boyfriend blazer and the ever classic white shirt. It's all in the little things like using tricks such as a belt, tying the the ends of the shirt together in a knot or rolling up a baggy pair of jeans. Boys clothes can be a relaxed and stylish addition to the closet.
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Jennifer Aniston rolls up a pair of Justin Theroux's jeans while pairing it with a sleek blazer and white lace up shoes.
Now lets talk about spending money, obviously start with thrift stores, people give away a lot of gems for different reasons. One of the biggest secrets to thrifting: location, location, location. Neighborhoods that are higher on the totem pole will have clothing in the finer variety but thrift stores in okay neighborhoods may not have the better clothes and because of that it's easy to fall in the trap of taking whatever you can find. Now this is in now way discredits some of these thrift stores because they could in fact have some hidden jewels. But be careful about the well known thrift stores like Goodwill or Salvation Army, my problem with some of them around me is the way they price sometimes. Instead of pricing all the clothes individually there is a set price for dresses, tops, pants sometimes it's justified but trust me not all things are created equally and should not be priced as such. Never fall for those kind of tricks, pick the ones that are actually worth the price and move on.
Thrifting can be lucrative especially for the broke. Finding designer items for nothing and then re-selling them online for more money could potentially help keep the lights on. The owner of Nasty Gal, Sophia Amoruso (below), started that way by selling vintage designer items people didn't know were worth so much or were fine with parting away with it. She's not the only one I've heard lots of stories of people who do that and they clean out, why not cut out a piece of the pie for yourself. But remember sometimes to make money you have to spend and if you want to re-sell that does mean you have to purchase and if you don't have the means don't break your back trying. Thrifting isn't necessarily in stores because I've found some great savings in unexpected places. My church has a huge rummage sale once a year and the line for it wraps around the church because it is a church and they price things so dirt cheap. One of the tricks I have up my sleeve is to help out therefore I get first dibs at buying things. As I fold clothes I make a note of what I want or set it aside in a corner for myself in doing this I've found some great gems such as, new nude pumps and new wedges for $2 and $3 dollars each. At the very last hour the rule becomes if you can fit it all in one bag it becomes a dollar a bag, many fancy and new dresses have found their way to my closet because of this. I don't really shop that much through out the year but to get one or two more things after the rummage sale blowout. My church may not be in your area but there are probably functions like them all over the place ask around and you'll probably be surprised at what you hear.
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Modern age has brought unexpected luxury like the internet which makes research easier, keeping in contact with long lost relatives easier and of course shopping. For students who want to look good try finding a cheap online source like ebay or craigslist. Again people give away really great clothes for various reasons why not take advantage of them? Be careful when buying online make sure it's legitimate and be clear on the return policy if they even have one. Review every website you can to make sure it's worth spending a nickel on after all this is your money so be smart about it.
Lastly buy things out of season when the price is lower, you'll be happy and with the fashion circle everything comes back in at some point. Certain things like boots and jackets go on sale or are cheaper during the summertime which is probably why moms stocked up before school started. Different trends are out but that doesn't mean you can't use them to compliment your style. For example certain colors come and go but it's a color they have a tendency to compliment each other. Or for example the peplum dress should die out anytime from now if it hasn't already but what about the peplum blazer? Blazers will never die it's too much of a staple same thing with the jumpsuit and romper the eccentric, patterned, and color blocked ones will die out but the classic ones in solid colors like black and white wont.
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There are plenty of ways to save money hopefully you're inspired to try a few new ones. Let me know some other great deals and be sure to pass it along to another friend.